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Author Guidelines

Authors must include the originals submitted for publication in the form of one of the following categories: (1) Review article, (2) Scientific article, (3) Technical note, (4) Letters to the Editor. The associate editor may recommend to the authors the convenience of adapting their work to a different category from the one presented, at the request of the Editorial Committee or as a consequence of the review process.

  1. The Review Article is a study on a topic of general interest and current interest in the field of Medical Physics. In general, it will be done by direct invitation of the Drafting Committee, although uninvited contributions will also be accepted. The different Working Groups of the SEFM may send their reports and conclusions to this section. The process of reviewing the originals will be carried out directly by the Editorial Committee of the Revista de Física Médica. Without extension and fixed structure, although it must contain an abstract (in Spanish and English) and keywords, and may contain text, graphs, tables and bibliography

  2. The scientific article involves the presentation of an original experimental, theoretical or methodological research. It is structured under the following headings: title (in Spanish and English), authors, keywords (in Spanish and English), abstract (in Spanish and English), introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions and bibliography. The papers presented in this section will be subject to a review process by a member of the Editorial Committee (associate editor) and by at least two independent persons, experts in the field, appointed by the Editorial Committee.

  3. The Technical note or brief communication is a concise description of a specific development, procedure or device of interest in Medical Physics and that in general raises the solution or proposal of alternatives to a problem of interest. It will be subject to the same review process and will have, in general, the same structure as scientific articles, although if the case requires it it can adopt another. It may not exceed 2000 words of text and 6 tables or illustrations (together). Developments of quality control methodology, results obtained locally or with a limited number of data and original research work in early stages of development may be included in this section

  4. Letters to the Director shall include title, author and text and may not exceed 750 words. The Editorial Committee of the Revista de Física Médica will make the decision on its full or abbreviated publication.

The author who submits a work for publication (hereinafter, responsible author) must have the representativeness granted by the rest of the signatories, certifying the authorship and participation of the other authors. See the Authorship section. Revista de Física Médica will be addressed to it officially in any of the phases of the publication process.

The works will be presented in Spanish. The peculiarities of Spanish from any Spanish-speaking country will be accepted. Authors are urged to carefully review the grammatical structures and terminology used, avoiding confusing or unusual terms for most readers. An article that does not meet these requirements may be returned to the authors without initiating the scientific review process.

Articles submitted to Revista de Física Médica may not have been published or be in the publication phase in other journals or electronic media (see the exception in Possibility of a non-original publication). The responsible author must prepare a cover letter with this statement. This letter will include your full address, email and telephone number, as well as other relevant information, along with the title of the work and the category to which the original corresponds.

In the works of the categories of scientific article, in the title, abstract or body of the work may not appear any indication that allows to identify the author or authors or their assignment to a research group or specific center.

Submission and preparation of originals

The process of sending and preparing originals will be done entirely online. The author, if he does not have user credentials, must register. To do this, you will send your request to the address: indicating your name and full address as well as the email address to which your user credentials will be sent.

The originals of the works submitted for publication and the presentation box will be loaded, after login, completing the steps required by the application (Start, upload the submission, enter the metadata, confirmation, next steps). Authors will pay special attention that the submission meets the requirements set out in the checklist and author guidelines. In the cover letter, authors may propose the name of a scientific reviewer for the paper.

The sheets will be numbered consecutively and the line numbers will be indicated in all of them to facilitate the task of reviewing the originals. The illustrations and tables will be provided in sheets apart from the main body of the work preceded by a list of figure captions and tables. Additionally, a pdf file will be provided in which the complete article is collected (including figures, tables and the corresponding footers in the corresponding place in the text) without including the name of the authors.

The authors will pay special attention to the following publishing standards:

  1. Abbreviations, symbols, units, etc. As abbreviations, those recognized nationally or internationally in general will be used, and their use in the title and abstract will be avoided. Unusual or field-specific abbreviations will be explained the first time they are entered into the text. The abbreviation shall be preceded by the full term to which it corresponds. The International System of Units and their names in Spanish will be used as much as possible.

  2. Mathematical expressions.

    1. They will be numbered sequentially according to their order of appearance in the text following the format (1), (2), etc. They will be cited in the same way. b.

    2. If authors use a word processor that has an equation editor, it is recommended to use it.

  3. Illustrations (graphics and photographs).

    1. They will be numbered sequentially according to their order of appearance in the text following the format fig.1, fig.2, etc. They will be cited in the same way.

    2. The captions of the illustrations will be presented on a separate sheet.

    3. An individual file will be attached for each illustration in JPG, JPEG, TIFF, PS or other image formats with sufficient quality.

    4. All texts and labels included in the illustrations will be presented in Spanish.

    5. In the event that an illustration comes from another publication, the responsible author must have the corresponding authorization, which will be accompanied along with it. The font and permission will be mentioned in the caption of the illustration.

  4. Keywords. In the works submitted within the categories of review article or scientific article s and will include a list of 4 or 5 keywords representative of the work, in Spanish and English.

  5. Bibliographical references.

    1. They will be numbered sequentially according to their order of appearance in the text following the format 1,2, 3-6 etc.

    2. The text will always include the numbering of the quotation, whether or not accompanied by the name of the authors; When these are mentioned, if it is a work done by two, both will be mentioned, and if it is more than two, the first will be cited followed by the expression "et al." or "et al."

    3. The abbreviations of the journals cited will be those officially recognized in national or international indexes.

    4. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the citations. Please be especially careful in this regard. The author should check the references against the original documents.

    5. References should be accessible in the scientific literature. Citations such as private communications, commercial information, manuals or texts without ISBN and Internet addresses will be included as footnotes.

    6. Bibliographic references will be listed in the bibliography section at the end of the text according to Vancouver standards.

    7. In all the references will be included the DOI of the same, if they have it.

  6. English translation: In order to achieve greater dissemination of the articles published by the Revista de Física Médica, authors are offered the possibility of editing an English version of their work on the Journal's website. The translation will be carried out in any case by the authors themselves, although the Revista de Física Médica will assume the final editing process in accordance with the criteria established by the Editorial Committee.

  7. Summary.

    1. In the categories of review article and scientific article, an abstract in Spanish and another in English will be included, which will not exceed 200 words.

  8. Stalemate.

    1. They will be numbered sequentially according to their order of appearance in the text following the format table 1, table 2, etc. They will be cited in the same way.

    2. If possible, tables of excessive size will be avoided.

    3. In general, tables should be able to be interpreted without the need for explanations in the body of the text; Therefore, if necessary, footnotes should be used so that their compression is complete.

    4. The new spelling of the Spanish language indicates (page 666): "... In order to promote a process aimed at unification, it is recommended that the period be used as a separator of decimal places." This statement is made after indicating that there are Spanish-speaking countries that use the period and others the comma. It is therefore a recommendation; just as it was before the use of the comma. We therefore abide by it.


When determining the authorship of a work, the responsible author and the other authors must ensure that any individual or group who has made a significant contribution to the work has the opportunity to appear in the list of authors. According to the uniformity requirements published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), acknowledgment of authorship should be based on: (1) significant contributions to the idea and design of the study, to data collection, or to its analysis and interpretation; (2) the drafting of the article or the critical review of its intellectual content, and (3) the final approval of the version to be published. Authors must meet these three conditions. Fundraising, data collection or general supervision of the research group alone do not justify authorship.

The participation of the authors in the work must be sufficient to publicly accept the responsibility of the party in charge of the content. The order of the authors in the publication should be a shared decision of the co-authors, who should be able to explain the order in which their names appear.

Following ICMJE again, all contributors who do not meet the authorship criteria or have made minor contributions should be listed in the acknowledgments section, but not be cited as authors. Financial and material aid must appear in the acknowledgements.

Conflict of interest

It should be stated, after the acknowledgments section, in a note if there is any conflict of interest in the published work.

Possibility of a non-original publication

A second publication in Spanish, especially if the first comes from one made in journals with a high impact index in another language, is justified and can be beneficial as long as it meets the following conditions:

  1. The authors have the consent of the editors of both journals; the director of the Revista de Física Médica must have a photocopy, reprint, or copy of the first publication.

  2. The priority of the first publication will be respected with an interval of at least one week between both publications (unless otherwise negotiated by both directors).

  3. The second publication may be an abbreviated version of the first. This is motivated by the fact that a second publication is generally intended for a different group of readers but, one might think, with possible access to the first.

  4. The second version will faithfully reflect the information and interpretations of the first.

  5. In the second version, by means of a footnote, readers, researchers and documentation centers will be informed that the article has already been published in part or in its entirety and the reference of the first publication will be recorded. To be appropriate, the footnote should read as follows: "This article is based on a study first published in the journal [journal title and full reference]."


In the case of experiments on human beings, it is necessary to indicate whether or not the procedures used have respected the ethical criteria of the committee responsible for human experimentation (local or institutional) and the Declaration of Helsinki of 1975, amended in 2000. The names of patients, their initials, or the numbers assigned to them in hospitals shall not be included, especially for illustrative material. In any case, the right of patients to informed consent will be respected. In the case of experiments with animals or animal tissues, it will be indicated whether or not the recommendations of any institution for the care and use of laboratory animals or any national or regional law on the same subject were followed.

In everything not regulated in these rules, and in case of ethical conflict, the code of ethics of the Spanish Society of Medical Physics will be followed.

Publishing process

  1. Once the originals have been received in electronic version according to the above specifications, the Technical Secretariat of the Journal will acknowledge receipt of their receipt to the author responsible for the work, and will initiate the procedure for the Editorial Committee to designate the associate editor and, when appropriate, the scientific reviewer or reviewers.

  2. Within a period of about one month, the responsible author will receive a letter from the Editorial Committee in which the acceptance, the acceptance with minor changes, the modification with major changes or, failing that, the rejection of the work will be based. Where appropriate, authors will receive general and specific comments from scientific reviewers.

  3. It is important that the authors respond in detail to each of the specific comments of the reviewers and submit, if they wish, a new version of the work within 15 days, in the case of acceptance with minor changes. If the authors have received a response of acceptance of the work with major changes, they will have a period of 4 weeks from the date of receipt of the comments of the reviewers. In case of exceeding this period, it will be understood that the authors withdraw the work in its current form and, if it is sent again, the Editorial Committee of the Journal may consider for all purposes that it is a new work.

  4. The accepted works remain as the permanent property of the Revista de Física Médica and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written permission of the Director of the Journal. The transfer of copyright is considered implicit in the letter of presentation of the original signed by the responsible author.

  5. The Revista de Física Médica is not responsible for the scientific content or legal implications of published articles.

  6. The responsible author will receive electronically, when the article is in press, the proofs of printing for approval or correction. The author must reply by the same means electronically within a period not exceeding 48 hours indicating his agreement or the appropriate modifications, it being understood that:

    • The responsibility for error detection lies entirely with the authors.

    • The quality of the illustrations must be accepted by the authors.

    • In case of making a significant number of changes, the corresponding cost will be charged to the authors.

    • To avoid last-minute changes, authors are urged to carefully follow the editorial rules of the Revista de Física Médica from the initial drafting phases.

  7. Authors are offered the possibility of including multimedia elements to enrich the version of their work published on the website of the Revista de Física Médica. This particular must be communicated to the associate editor. The decision on the multimedia content and how it appears shall be taken by the Drafting Committee.

Examples of bibliography


  1. Pérez L, Martínez A, Sánchez JL. A new methodology for the quality control of photostimulable matches. Rev Fis Med 2005;2:127-35.

  2. Pérez L, Martínez A, Sánchez JL. A new methodology for the quality control of photostimulable matches. Part II. Rev Fis Med (in press).

  3. Parkin DM, Clayton D, Black RJ, Masuyer E, Friedl HP, Ivanov E, et al. Childood leukaemia en Europe after Chernobyl: 5 year follow-up. Br J Cancer 1996;73:1006-12. (mas de 6 autores)


  1. Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses. 20 ed. Albany (NY): Delmar Publishers;1996.

Book chapters

  1. Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertensión and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editores. Hypertensión: pathophysiology, diagnosis and management. 20 ed. Nueva York: Raven Press;1995. p. 465-78.

Conference presentation

  1. Bengtsson S, Solheim BG. Enforcement of data protection, privacy and security in medical informatics. En: Lun KC, Degoulet P, Piemme TE, Rienholf O, editors. MEDINFO 92. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics; 1992 Sep 6-10; Ginebra, Suiza. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1992. p. 1561-5.

Sending originals

The originals of the works will be sent by logging into the page of the journal: and following the indications contained in the rules for authors.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the editor).
  • The sending file is layout using LibreOffice, Microsoft Word, or LaTeX. The original formats (.odt, .doc, .docx or .tex) are presented as well as the document prepared in pdf.
  • Whenever possible, DOI links should be provided for referrals.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the author's Guidelines.

Scientific articles

Involves the presentation of an original experimental, theoretical or methodological research. It is structured under the following headings: title (in Spanish and English), authors, keywords (in Spanish and English), abstract (in Spanish and English), introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions and bibliography. The papers presented in this section will be subject to a review process by a member of the Editorial Committee (associate editor) and by at least two independent persons, experts in the field, appointed by the Editorial Committee.

Review articles

Es un estudio sobre un tema de interés general y de actualidad en el campo de la Física Médica. En general se hará por invitación directa del Comité de Redacción, aunque también se aceptarán aportaciones no invitadas. Los diferentes Grupos de Trabajo de la SEFM podrán enviar sus informes y conclusiones a esta sección. El proceso de revisión de los originales se realizará directamente por el Comité de Redacción de la Revista de Física Médica. Sin extensión y estructura fija, podrá contener texto, gráficas, tablas y bibliografía.

Technical note

The Technical note or brief communication is a concise description of a specific development, procedure or device of interest in Medical Physics and that in general raises the solution or proposal of alternatives to a problem of interest. It will be subject to the same review process and will have, in general, the same structure as scientific articles, although if the case requires it can adopt another. It may not exceed 2000 words of text and 6 tables or illustrations (together). Developments of quality control methodology, results obtained locally or with a limited number of data and original research work in early stages of development may be included in this section

Letters to the Director

Letters to the Director shall include title, author and text and may not exceed 750 words. The Editorial Committee of the Revista de Física Médica will make the decision on its full or abbreviated publication.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in  this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be  provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.