Publication ethics and malpractice statement
Publication ethics.
Revista de Física Médica (Rev Fis Med) is a peer-reviewed journal committed to promoting ethical standards in scientific publications and to this end follows the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and hopes that authors follow the same.
When determining authorship of a manuscript, the responsible author and the other authors must ensure that any individual or group that has made a significant contribution to the work has the opportunity to appear in the list of authors. According to the recommendations published by the ICMJE, the recognition of authorship should be based on: (1) important contributions to the idea and design of the study, to the collection of data or to its analysis and interpretation; (2) drafting the article or critically revising its intellectual content, (3) final approval of the version to be published, and (4) publicly accepting responsibility for all aspects of the work to ensure that questions related to the accuracy or completeness of any part thereof are appropriately investigated and resolved. Authors must meet these four conditions. Fundraising, data collection, or general supervision of the research group do not alone justify authorship.
The order of authors in the publication should be a shared decision of the co-authors, who should be able to explain the order in which their names appear.
Again, following the ICMJE, all contributors who do not meet the authorship criteria or have made minor contributions should appear in the acknowledgments section, but not be cited as authors.
Conflict of interests
Authors must declare financial and material aid in the acknowledgments and any other potential situation that may influence the results presented or their interpretation.
The accepted papers remain the permanent property of Revista de Física Médica (Rev Fis Med) and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without express written permission from the Director of the journal. The transfer of copyright is considered implicit in the cover letter of the original signed by the responsible author.
Editorial board
The editor is ultimately responsible for the acceptance or rejection of the submitted works. The editor and associate editors must comply with the principle of confidentiality regarding the submitted works and the entire review process. The final decision should be based on the relevance of the article, its quality, originality and its suitability to the scope of the journal and should not be influenced by commercial or relationship interests. If there is a conflict of interest, the associate editor assigned to the work must communicate it and refrain from participating in the review process.
It is also the editor's responsibility to select expert reviewers in the field so that they appropriately assess the quality and importance of the scientific contribution presented.
Reviewers´ work is essential to guarantee the ethics of publications. The manuscript submitted to be considered for publication must be considered privileged and private information of the authors, so reviewers must take special care to maintain the confidentiality of the data presented throughout the process until the moment of publication.
Reviewers must also commit to meeting the deadlines established for reviewing papers.
Reviewers must also declare if any conflict of interest exists and refrain from participating in the review if this occurs.
In the event of detecting any unethical conduct such as plagiarism or fraudulent data, they must notify the Editorial Board so that it acts in accordance with the ethical recommendations followed by the journal.
Complaints and appeals
In the case of claims and complaints about the editor's decisions or about a published article, the Editorial Board will evaluate the allegations presented, requesting the authors, reviewers and editors who have participated in the process to provide an adequate report on them before giving a response to the claimant. In any case, the ethical principles to which the magazine has adhered will be followed.
Ethical issues
Members of the Editorial Board must guarantee compliance with the ethical principles of the publication. This means that they must strictly review possible cases of plagiarism or the provision of fraudulent data and, if detected after publication, issue the corresponding clarification and withdraw the article, communicating it appropriately.
In the event that a significant error is detected in any of the publications or is reported by the authors, it must be corrected as quickly as possible.